This month's theme is "Pretty in Pink" and the goodies came in a white canvas bag with a pink patent stripe. I am not a real pink lover so when I found out the theme I wasn't overly thrilled. I wish Ipsy could figure out a way to make the contents/theme of the bag fit better for people with different tastes and color preferences.
So I received the darker shade of the blush, which I was initially happy about since the pale one looked a bit too pale. However after swatching this, it was really shimmery, almost frosty. This needs to be applied really lightly or it turns up quite pink on the skin. I also was not a fan of the packaging, the compact felt kind of cheap. I will use this, but it is definitely not going to beat out my current favorite blush, Hervana (reviewed here) from Benefit.
I actually really like this color, it is a nice peachy pink that will look lovely for the spring and summer. I did have some issues with the formula. It goes on super sheer with light coats, so for the picture above I did one thin coat and a second thicker coat to make it more opaque. When I applied it thicker it was way more gloopy and harder to work with.
This is definitely not my favorite product, I wanted the Mica powder instead, but I guess we can't always get everything we want. The container is quite small so I found it hard to even get enough powder on my finger to swatch it. We will see if I will use it, a bit too pink but I can try to make it. The formula is just ok, not very pigmented to be honest.
This is a sort of dry shampoo and volumizer that you add to the roots of your hair. I couldn't tell if it was adding more volume, or just looked bigger because I teased the product into my hair a bit. Also I calculated the price of the sample from the full size product sold on Ulta, but I know you can easily get the full size for about $6 CAD at Winners (if you can find them).
The total value of the bag this month was $28.85, which is not bad for the $15 subscription fee. As usual, all the brands give special coupon codes to use at the online retailers. However I was slightly annoyed that all the brands they chose this months ships exclusively to the US, leaving out us Canadian subscribers. I am now officially done with Ipsy, if you are interested in using/want any of the discount codes for the brands in this month's bag, let me know down below.