Saturday, April 13, 2013

TheBalm Instain Blush in "Houndstooth": Review and Swatch

Instain from theBalm is a new line of blushes that claim to be "long wearing" and "staining". "Houndstooth" is described as mauve color. This cost $22 USD, to see swatches and the review, click.......
So I decided to review this one next because I feel like Lizzy from "Lizzy's Place" might like this one because it is a bit more subdued compared to the other shades. "Houndstooth" is a very elegant warm pink shimmer blush. It kind of has that "nude" feel to it.  I wouldn't call it a mauve because the word mauve often conjure up something more lavender and cool-toned, for me anyways.
The texture of this is very nice and smooth. The shimmer is not overpowering and when worn over the cheeks, it comes off more as a natural glow. This one probably has the least staining power out of the six, just because the color is a lot more subdued. 
Light swatch applied with blush brush.

For reviews of the other shades:

So I'd say this is the most wearable color out of the whole line! What do you think? Are you more into brighter or more subtle blushes?
© 2013-2025 The Happy Sloths | Artwork by Jasmine Li