Monday, November 18, 2013

Paul Frank Monkey in Space: Manicure featuring Water Decal Stickers

Disclaimer: The water decal stickers were provided for review.
Hey guys, happy Monday! Today I have a fun and wacky nail art water decal look to share with you all. I remember back in high school, Paul Frank merchandise was all the rage. Every cool kid had at least one screen printed T-shirts with Paul Frank's face in the front. Unfortunately, I never got a shirt like that because they were terribly over-priced. So I was quite delighted to see that Born Pretty Store had some adorable Paul Frank Nail Art Decals ($1.43, use discount code VGL91 for 10% off). To read more, click......
The water decal set comes with five different designs and the one with the Julius the monkey jamming out on a guitar in a space suit really caught my eye. So I thought it would be kind of cool to use it over the ever so popular galaxy design. Here are the polishes I used:
Base: Elizabeth from Julep (discontinued)
Purple: Trina from Julep (mixed with "Snow" from China Glaze")
Iridescent shimmer: "Melissa" from Julep
Stars: "Snow" from China Glaze:
Holographic Glitter: "Fairy Dust" from China Glaze
So what do you guys think of this fun take on ordinary galaxy nails? Let me know in the comments!
Also, if you haven't entered my $20 Born Pretty Store gift card giveaway yet, do so soon as the giveaway is closing in a few days. This is a great chance to try out some of the water decals I feature on the blog. Click image below to enter!
Have a great day guys!

© 2013-2025 The Happy Sloths | Artwork by Jasmine Li